Picture this: Japan's wildest drifters carving through the dangerous twisty mountain roads at one of the world's most famous mountain courses, Gunsai Cycle Center, for the Gunsai Attack event hosted by Hardcore. It's a foot-to-the-floor blend of precision driving and awe-inspiring car control that completely intoxicates drivers and spectators.
皆さんは想像できるでしょうか、細くて危険な峠道が連続する中、恐れ知らずの日本のドリフターたちが集結し、一心不乱に体力が尽きるまで全速力でドリフトし続けるイベント、「GUNSAIアタック」。このイベントはHARDCORE TOKYOによって主催され、群馬サイクルスポーツセンター(通称グンサイ)の峠サーキットを貸し切り、ドリフト愛好者たちが一日中ドリフトに興じる場となります。ドライバーたちは曲がりくねった峠道のコーナーを精密なコントロールで攻略し、アスファルトをキャンバスのように、タイヤを響かせながら自由自在に曲線を描いていきます。
This event draws enthusiasts from across the globe, encapsulating the essence of Japanese drift car culture where slightly unhinged engineering and innovation meet the traditional driving spirit made famous by countless YouTube videos of drift crews mobbing the Japanese touge. As engines roar and tires break loose, the mountains echo with the symphony of horsepower, rev-limiter bashing, and the scent of burnt rubber. Gunsai Attack pays homage to the roots of drifting and underscores the profound connection between drivers, their machines, and the breathtaking mountain landscapes that serve as a challenging playground full of high-speed corners to conquer.