Nights at Umihotaru PA

Discipline: Street
Location: 海ほたる
Nights at Umihotaru PA
At the end of last summer on a late night we found ourselves yet again getting kicked out of Daikoku PA. We wanted to cruise somewhere else with our friends so we already had Umihotaru as the next spot in mind. Surrounded by Tokyo bay, Umihotaru PA is a parking area with ocean views that rarely gets shut down, and is a short cruise down the highway from Daikoku.


Another one of our favorite things about the cruise to Umihotaru is the aqua line tunnel. With an absence of speed cameras, this tunnel is great to cruise just a kilometer or so above the speed limit. Heading down that long underground highway tunnel at ______kmh, our friends reminded us that tunnels are truly the best places to test how your exhaust sounds. 

On this particular night we were accompanied by a few of our friends and their cars. Just to list them out, an R34 GT-T, Pandem R35 GTR , RWB 993 Cabriolet, and a 930 Turbo (Slantnose).The dark brown R34 Skyline GT-T, sitting static on some beautiful HRE multispoke wheels. Next to it the Porsche 930 turbo! The slantnose is always something cool to see in real life, this one especially because its owner has had it for nearly 30 years. Rare… Then there’s the widebody millennium jade R35 GTR with wheels so deep you might get lost inside. That classic green placed on a widebody R35 is really something you’ll only see in Japan.  Then lastly the white RWB 993 cabriolet, with spearmint rhino banners and extra wide fenders hand cut by Nakai-San himself. All of these guys really love their cars and it shows through each of the miniscule details you can see they put into their craft. 

Later in the night after hanging out and chatting for a few hours, we decided to conclude the night and head back to the city. Umihotaru PA was a great change of scenery, especially with Daikoku closing times becoming more frequent these days. The tough thing about downtown meeting spots are, and will always be, restricted around large cities. But clearly this hasn't been stopping anyone here. It seems like each Friday Daikoku consistently closes with a full lot of cars. At the end of the day, cruising out one by one onto the aqua line hearing each exhaust note screamed at maximum volume are the sights and sounds that we live for. 


この日、私たちは何人かの友達と彼らの車と一緒にいました。車をリストアップすると、R34 GT-T、Pandem R35 GTR、RWB 993 カブリオレ、そして930 Turbo(スラントノーズ)。ダークブラウンのR34スカイラインGT-Tは、美しいHREマルチスポークホイールがピッタリとフィットしています。その隣のポルシェ930ターボのスラントノーズは、オーナーが30年近く所有されており、オーラを感じます。ミレニアムジェイドにオールペイントされたワイドボディR35 GTRは美しく、Moontechが仕上げたカスタムカーです。クラシックな緑がワイドボディR35に使われているのは、本当に日本でしか見られないものです。最後に、"Spearmint Rhino"のバナーと中井さん自らが手で切った超ワイドフェンダーの似合う白いRWB 993カブリオレも来ていました。皆は本当に自分たちの車を愛しており、彼らが拘ったディテールを通して情熱を感じることができます。
