
Discipline: SHOW
Location: 横浜

Has everyone felt the nostalgia at “NOSTALGIC 2 DAYS” (referred to as N2D) held last weekend? For those unfamiliar with N2D, it's a motor show where vintage cars, classic cars, and restored cars from all over Japan gather in Yokohama. 

皆は先週末行われた「NOSTALGIC 2 DAYS」(以降N2D)でノスタルジーを感じることはできただろうか?N2Dを知らない方へ説明すると、横浜で行われる日本中のビンテージカー、クラシックカー、レストアカーが集結するモーターショーだ。

No big booths or huge installations. Just a whole bunch of interesting vintage/classic cars and builds displayed very tightly in only one-fifth the size of the “Tokyo Auto Salon” venue.

From left-hand drive Honda S800 re-imported from Monaco to safari-spec DeTomaso Panteras, there's a diverse range of cars that can't be summed up in just a few words, making it a visually captivating event. 

大きなブースや造作物はほとんど無く、「Tokyo Auto Salon」の会場の5分の一以下のサイズに車がギチギチに詰め込まれている見ごたえたっぷりのイベントだ。


However, one must not forget the enjoyment of "shopping" at N2D as well.

Unlike other motor shows held in Japan, where only a small percentage of items are available for purchase, about 80% of its items are for sale on-site. 

You can purchase vintage books, brochures, stickers, patches, mini cars, rare car parts, and even OEM discontinued parts that small manufacturers have reproduced. 

Moreover, you can buy perfectly restored complete cars or vintage cars in perfect original condition right there. 

It's an event held annually, so if you missed it, pack $100,000 in your briefcase and get ready to go to Japan for N2D 2025.



